Tuesday 18 October 2011


Facebook and Mozilla Firefox are among the most popular elements used on Internet. Here is a list of 3 best Mozilla Firefox extensions for Facebook which will enhance your social networking experience. These addons are especially meant to make your Facebooking better and easier.
Check out our articles on Firefox
Mozilla Firefox Add-ons For Facebook
Here are the Top 3 Mozilla Firefox Add-ons For Facebook :


With Friendbar, using Facebook and Twitter is so much easy and fun. Friendbar is actually a toolbar which allows you to post updates and comments, mark posts as LIKE, Retweet straight from the toolbar.
You can even create a shortened URL of the page that you are viewing. Friendbar also alters you whenever you get a new message.

Facebook Photo Album Downloader
Facebook Photo Album Downloader helps you to download all the images of your Facebook photo album at once. This add-on is meant for the people like me, who hate wasting much of their time.
Facebook Photo Album Downloader
So instead of downloading images one by one from your Facebook album, using the Facebook Photo Album Downloader is a better and quicker option. FacePAD will let you grab all the photos from any album you need on Facebook.

Facebook Video
We share number of videos on Facebook. And if you really feel like downloading any of them, try our the Firefox add-on namely Facebook Video.
facebook video
This is actually a Grease Monkey script, which lets you download or convert any video embedded on your Facebook wall. Also checkout, How to Download Facebook Videos using Firefox.

Google Chrome has been constantly gaining market share in browser war, and this has prompted more and more developers to create extensions for Google Chrome. As a result, there are some really interesting Google Chrome extensions available. Here are 3 Chrome extensions that help you manage your WordPress blogs .

WordPress Stats Extension

Wordpress Stats
WordPress Stats is one of my favorite extension for Google Chrome. This extension shows you number of visitors to your blog at any point of time. You can see the visitor count all the time on the icon of this extension. And when you click on the extension itself, you can see more details, like, Popular Posts, Referrers, Search Terms, and Clicks.

WordPress Stats extension works only if you are using WordPress Stats plugin on your website. It pulls your stats directly from WordPress.com using your API key (see here). This plugin is easy to use, and makes it very easy to monitor traffic on your website, without continuously checking your WordPress stats page.

WordPress Comments Checker Extension

Wordpress Comments Checker
WordPress Comments checker extension keeps checking your blog for any pending comments, and shows count of pending comments in header of Google Chrome. It ignores spam comments, and shows count of only those comments that are marked as “Pending”. To use this extension, you do not need to provide login information of your blog. However, you should be login to your blog in Google Chrome, and only then this extension will be able to show count of comments.
On clicking this extension, it takes you to Admin Dashboard of your WordPress blog. There are some cool future updates planned on this extension which will make it even more useful. The developer is planning to add feature to support multiple blogs, and also moderate comments from the extension. My favorite part of this extension is that it ignores tons of spam comments that I receive daily that are stopped by my WordPress Antispam plugins. Otherwise, it would have always displayed some comments as pending.

WordPress Checker Extension

Wordpress Checker
WordPress Checker extension is another Chrome extension that shows you number of pending comments. The icon for this looks exactly same as the previous extension, and even pending comments are displayed in same manner. But the biggest advantage of this plugin is that you can see pending comments of multiple blogs with this. You just need to provide XML-RPC URL of your blogs, along with login id and password. When you click on this extension, it shows you number of pending, approved, and spam comments on each of your blog. If you have multiple blogs that you keep track of, then this is the extension to go with.
All the Google Chrome extensions for Worpdress would ease the management of your WordPress blogs. Do let us know in comments if there is some other Chrome extension that you use to manage your WordPress blog.
This is a guest post by Ishan. He is a tech blogger, and writes about Free Software on his blog.

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